Guild wars 2 free to play español gameplay
Guild wars 2 free to play español gameplay

guild wars 2 free to play español gameplay

I'd recommend playing with your kid or sitting with them whilst they play.

guild wars 2 free to play español gameplay

In summary, I'd recommend this game for kids of 12+ (which is its age rating here in Europe anyway!), but younger kids can play in monitored situations. Your own character cannot "die" in the traditional sense, either - they can only become unconscious to the point of which they look asleep. Your own character cannot have a romance. It does have non-player character (NPC) romances, a few of which are same-sex, and these are portrayed in an equally positive light, as they should be: these are definitely characters who just happen to be gay, and can also provide a great point on which to talk to your child about same-sex relationships. In this respect, it's a very positive, progressive game.

guild wars 2 free to play español gameplay

It should be noted there is no other time in which gender plays a role in the game - female characters can outnumber male characters on some occasions, and depending on the player's choices. You can also change the graphic settings so the armour of other players displays as plain generic non-sexual armour. There are plenty of modest appearances available, some of which are actually quite cool. There's also readily-available transmute crystals, which swap your clothing's appearance, for anything you feel is not appropriate. A light discussion with your child about this, and sexism in gaming, may be needed. Lastly, as with most MMOs, there's some over-sexualisation, specifically of female humanoid characters and the armour/clothes they wear (charr - big beastial cats, and asura, tiny goblin-esque creatures don't have any clothing differences between genders). It's very fun, and I think most kids would really like it.

guild wars 2 free to play español gameplay

The expansion has also brought gliding to the game, and you can do this in both the core base game world, and the new maps. The next you'll be defending their village from monsters, putting out fires and then going back to do some gardening. You'll help out the game's citizens in myriad ways - one day, you'll feed their cows for them, or fix plumbing leaks. There are some decent role models in the game, and you will generally play on the "good" side, and be saving the world. You can also gift items to other players - I have gifted my daughter some outfits and mini pets this way. You can also use PayPal or a credit/debit card to buy gems up front - with an option to save your payment details.


It could arguably be a good and safe way to teach your child how to save their money up for something they'd like. It's only cosmetic stuff in there, and you can use your in-game money to make purchases - although you will have to save up a bit before you have enough to do that. There is the Gem Store, which is the online store for the game. You can also sign up as a free player for the base game, which is what I'd recommend for any potential new players anyway! Once you have the game, you don't need to pay again - there's no subscription fee. This is a buy-to-play game, meaning you'll pay a lot up front - these days, however, the base game and expansion are bundled together, so if you don't already own it, it's not too bad. Some aspects of the game might be scary for younger kids, but at the age of 12 and above it should be fine. There's elements of platform gaming in GW2, and it's an fast-paced action combat system - you have to learn to dodge, and there are various places in the game in the first maps where you can do this. There's no bad language I can actually think of in the game itself, but there are some words used instead - but this is no different to saying something like "Oh, sugar!". ArenaNet is very good at dealing with such cases. You can select to block certain players so their messages cannot be seen, and you can report anything overtly abusive. For that reason, it may not be so kind to the younger players, so you might want to keep any eye on them, or play alongside them, as the map chat can get abusive (you can also put the language filter on). It requires understanding of tactics, the ability to communicate, knowing your profession and of course, when to dodge. The four maps that came with HoT, however, revolve around "meta-events" - meaning that you have to work with other players to complete smaller challenges around the map in order to work up to a final big event. It takes an increased gameplay learning curve from the base game - which was very user friendly, and forgiving, particularly for those who didn't have much time to dedicate to a game. Heart of Thorns (HoT) is the first expansion pack released for Guild Wars 2 (GW2).

Guild wars 2 free to play español gameplay